Friday, June 15, 2007

A Mormon for President?

Something political to think about.... My husband would be so proud I posted this!!

President Of The U.S.?
--By David Shurtleff (Not A Mormon)

Heliumites, Bloggers, Political Scientists ... lend me your eyes. I come to criticize Mitt Romney not to praise him. The evil that men do is highlighted by the media. The good is often buried under labels ... so let it be with Romney.
The Media has touted that Romney is a Mormon, if it is so, it is a grievous thing and may cost him the election. When the scandal laden Olympics was embarrassing our nation, Romney stepped in and turned it into a showcase-Yet Romney is a MORMON, and surely a MORMON cannot be President.
Romney won the governorship of Massachusetts as a REPUBLICAN, yes, in a state that gives us Sen. Kennedy. He showed the ability to work with all people, of all political backgrounds - yet Romney is a MORMON and surely a MORMON cannot be President.
Romney saved a state government facing fiscal disaster, bringing economic expansion and staving off unemployment, something this nation could use - Yet Romney is a MORMON, and surely a MORMON cannot be President.
Unlike many politicians, Romney has remained faithful to his wedding vows, keeping his commitments to his wife and blessing his children - Yet Romney is a MORMON, and surely a MORMON cannot be President.
The twelfth article of Romney's faith, one which he no doubt memorized as a child, affirms that it is his duty to honor, obey, and sustain the law- Yet Romney is a MORMON, and surely a MORMON cannot be President.
Romney's faith group is recognized and respected by governments throughout the world, it was so respected that it was miraculously allowed to build a temple in communist East Germany before the wall came down-Yet Romney is a MORMON, and surely a MORMON cannot be President.
Romney's church teaches that the constitution is a divinely inspired document and that this nation was established by the God of Heaven. Such respect for our nation and its founding document can make just another politician into a statesman-Yet Romney is a MORMON, and surely a MORMON cannot be President.
Romney's religious organization teaches love and compassion for all human beings and provides millions of dollars in aid to many countries. It also sent thousands of volunteers to aid Katrina victims in our own country. That aid is given freely, without regard to the religious preference of the recipients-Yet Romney is a MORMON, and surely a MORMON cannot be President.

Wait a minute. What is it about being Mormon that disqualifies Mitt Romney from being an effective president? It is true that there may be theological differences that exist between Romney and others, but he is not running for Bishop, Rabbi, Pope, Minister, Imam, or Pastor...
He is running for President.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

My brother wants one of these for his house. Talk about Stage Fright for my Boys!!! (or they will try and hit the fish, which would just be more mess for me)

If Your Life was a Sountrack

Here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
Opening Credits: Tennessee - Arrested Development
Waking Up: Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynrd
Falling In Love: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith(Armageddo) Good Love Song!
Fight Song: Mama - Spice Girls (Ha, only a little embarrassed!)
Breaking Up: Dancing Barefoot - U2 (First time I heard the song, my husband must of loaded it, not bad..)
Prom: Cling and Clatter - Lifehouse
Life: Eye of the Tiger - Survivor (The Rocky Story) Cool!
Mental Breakdown: High - James Blunt
Driving: The Border - America
Flashback: Renegade - Styx
Getting back together: You Must Have Been an Angel - Bob Carlisle
Wedding: Song for Neen - Merril Bainbridge (I have to admit I was hoping for Depeche Mode)
Birth of Child: Empty Chairs - Don McLean/American Pie
Final Battle: That Ain't Love - REO Speedwagon
Death Scene: When Love & Hate Collide - Def Leppard
Funeral Song: Hanging By a Moment - Lifehouse
End Credits: Feel Like Singing - Sandy B/100%Pure Dance

So I have a ton of Country in my Zune, and none of them came up!